Wednesday, January 25, 2023

We Have Been Trying To Reach YOuu...

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YOU are the newest member of Pinterest, a community to share collections of things you love. We're excited to have you as a member and can't wait to see what you pin. A few tips to get the most out of Pinterest: As you get started with Zendesk, I wanted to point you to some resources to help you make the most: We built Samu to help individuals (from managers via freelancers through to students) improve their productivity, and I hope that we can achieve that for you. Do you know who's awesome? You are. Do you know why? Because your blogs are about to get more action than you got on your honeymoon. Thats right, more email collections and more personalized updates than ever before (what did you think I meant?) Before you pull your head out of the gutter, answer me one thing. Why did you sign up for Rabbut? I ask because: 1.) I want to build the best tool that you can possibly get 2.) I can't read your mind 3.) Who doesn't want more action? (Still talking about your blog!) And lets be honest, no one wants to spend all night long figuring out how to setup your emails, so take this, it's a quick start guide: If that doesn't work, hurry up and email me so I can help you solve your problems. That way you If you wouldn't mind, I'd love it if you answered one quick question: why did you sign up for Samu? Lots of software say they can do anything and everything for you. We are *not* one of them. KiSSFLOW is not a jack of all trades. We have mastered one thing really well: *workflows*. Now, do you have a workflow problem or a task management problem or both?! Tough, right!? That's exactly why I am writing to you. Within 5 minutes I can assess if KiSSFLOW is best fit for the problem you have, saving you lots of time on evaluation. I value time and wish neither of us waste it. I will call you in the next 30 minutes or do you want to do this over email? 2) Get your team trained up: Support is collaborative, and we want to make sure that all your colleagues are ready to use Zendesk. We have a fantastic free self-guided agent training course available: Zendesk Essentials for Agents - Online I really appreciate you signing up for Samu, and I'm sure you'll love it when you see how easy it is to get the right things done.

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