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Would you like a Coca Cola Mini fridge? Tyler, you qualify to become a product tester for the Coca Cola mini fridge. The fridge itself is valued at $250.00 but by signing up as a tester the price is reduced to $0.00, if selected. All you have to do is follow all instructions carefully and complete the application fully in order to be eligible | | |
If you are selected to be a product tester, you will be sent a free product, no purchase necessary. The person with the most original review may keep the test product. The most original review will then be published on their site. Reviewers are selected every quarter and if selected, you will be contacted by them via phone or email to receive your test product. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Coca Cola is not affiliated with and do not sponsor or endorse this website, its content or services. You are receiving this message because you requested to be added to our mailing list. To remove yourself from future mailings, go to the respective link below or respond to this email. | unsubscribe | Signature Surveys, 2167 East 21st Street, Suite 126, Brooklyn, NY, 11229 | |
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