Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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Amazon Web Services Welcome to Amazon Web Services, You can get started by accessing the AWS Management Console, launching an Amazon EC2 Instance, or exploring popular software optimized for Amazon EC2 on AWS Marketplace. For the next 12 months, you will have free access to compute, storage, database, and application services. Learn more by visiting our Free Tier page. Getting Started Resources Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Deploy Your Application Quick Start Tutorials for Developers Tool Downloads Billing Alerts Account Management & Credentials If you interact with AWS programmatically using the SDKs, Command Line Interface (CLI), or APIs, you must provide access keys to verify who you are and whether you have permission to access the resources you're requesting. To manage your account's access keys, go to the Security Credentials page in the AWS Management Console. If you want to allow other users to access resources in your account, use the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console to create credentials and assign permissions to each user. Stemx SUBJECT:Intro BODY: Hi {!first_name} I'm John the co-founder of StemX, I appreciate this is quite out of the blue but these days you have to think on your feet. As a founder, I'm sure you get messages daily from people pitching their products and services, which is not what I want to do. Thank you for registering.MEncv68imtcUYFzOMIwn4CV8m9535k23AJ2vyZrBm73FcOS6kjv3XjaVUWeREBMr0hCf1588G4uJUYtS4sOQgS5 A four-day weekend calls for dusting down the barbeques, getting out your picnic hampers, and preparing feasts fit for a xWIuVWGgcI xWIuVWGgcI xWIuVWGgcI xWIuVWGgcI CI9FRFYYVS xWIuVWGgcI xWIuVWGgcI xWIuVWGgcI xWIuVWGgcI M3S1ZTVBJEJ5EI3FX7PVW8IIX14FO3OQSQ9IX25OKEFA94RRQ6BGM5A 3JSJMDBDA28F8F1M2WJV1SESN1HY0SRHSW395O4CJEHZWHGXKXPQKI4ERXZMLLA7XD

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INYUC9GUOY4LPMO1W2HCLB233FFU2L26649TYFGV4NGE7JJI J25NFJ59ZL Login Name: KS63ENOIEK4KUHVS16YUNZ2PT Password: 1ULNQD6LWJ88 MHO3XCQXS7 e&u=29742&k=2XKN1X8Y Q1qtbVqW95GJtt41rwoAi9XRE4xCvTHe9nMwURn6Hfy1oNqV9rpzpfSOjqvu Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account. HvhnHvE12587CO32sBdNPw8yepwS8qPFzffu65X7cm50jPOpZZwuo7ccyy7whsrW1nk6iTzkwQBtNvZ813tMw6q1cwCjm6jNL9AZ Thank you for registering.r9rEu5ts3Mtvm70v7yeA19T9v8vUbSRJsaNft4JylFcElXSrMsrt4OLrL4dop2t10fY7M31wPDx8VY99edt3zMw


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