Imagine Waking Tomorrow To Discover Your Bank Failed, And You Can No Longer Withdraw Your Deposits. The Bank, To Stay Afloat, Uses A Dodd-Frank Procedure Called "Bail-In." It Converts Some of Your Deposits Into Bank Equity In Place Of Your Cash. Wait, What… True? My Fellow American, I'll let you decide. First, read this chilling Fox News Headline; Study finds 186 banks vulnerable to Silicon Valley Bank-like collapse. There are more possible bank failures on the horizon and here's why: - They make bad investments in derivatives.
- Make bad loans to sub-prime borrowers.
- Manage the bank poorly and can't service its debt.
- Higher Interest Rates
- A systemic Banking Collapse
What is a Bank Bail-In, and why should you care? Protect yourself from Bail-In with this complementary Protection Guide. Investopedia describes it best. "Bail-ins provide immediate relief when banks use money from their unsecured creditors, including depositors and bondholders, to restructure their capital. Banks can convert their debt into equity to increase their capital requirements. Although depositors run the risk of losing some of their deposits." Is there some law that gives this authority to keep deposits and, in return, give you shares and ownership in the bank? There is. Investopedia also tells us, "the Financial reforms under Dodd-Frank Act eliminated bailouts and opened the door for bail-ins." So the "Bail-In" law was signed in 2010 under then President Barack Hussein Obama. The law is known under many different names: - The Dodd-Frank Act.
- Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
- Public Law 111–203
- H.R. 4173
- Bank Bail-In (Google this search phrase: Dodd–Frank Bail–In)
Learn how to protect yourself from a Bank Bail-In with this complementary Protection Guide. So why would the government change from "bailing out" big banks to "keeping depositors'" money (Bailing them in) and giving them ownership in a failed bank? Why should the banks be bailed out at all? Collapse them, sell their assets, and give the depositors their money back. It should be no other way. April Meehl, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in her paper Bailouts, Bail-ins, and Banking Industry Dynamics, describes the "Bail-In" Model: - All uninsured debt is converted to equity.
- The bank is valued as a new "all-equity" bank.
- Creditors (meaning you, the depositor) receive the value of the new shares.
Does this sound a little Orwellian to you? How do you protect yourself from a Bank Bail-In? Forbes gives us the answer. They report that wealthy people use a particular type of account to shield and protect their assets. Here is my question to you. Shouldn't you do the same thing? If you feel you need to do something to protect your money, you are correct in your assumption. I want you to grab this complementary Protection Guide. This guide will simply arm you with the necessary information you need to protect yourself, your savings, and your peace of mind. Take action now. Grab your complementary Protection Guide and protect your hard-earned retirement savings. |
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