Wednesday, September 18, 2024

introducing our new foreword writer!

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Every year we invite a priest to write the foreword for our new ESS Mass journals to welcome our community into the new liturgical year, especially inviting us to pray with the new theme. We're so excited to share our writer for the new Every Sacred Sunday Mass journals available on Oct 1st!
Some of you may recognize a familiar face this year - Fr. Zinjin Iglesia! We met Fr. Zinjin way back in 2020 at SLS while he was still in seminary and since then he has become a dear friend and regular contributor to our Sunday Series!
Keep scrolling to learn a little bit more about him and read an except from his foreword this year!
Favorite Saint: St. Maria Goretti! 
Favorite Marian Apparition: Our Lady of Guadalupe 
Favorite Scripture Verse: Songs 2:10 
Favorite Liturgical Season: Lent, specifically Holy Week! It's powerful entering into the Passion of our Lord and being able to taste the incomprehensible love God has for us! 
Favorite Retreat: My first retreat as a priest that I went on 13-months into my priesthood. It was a silent, directed retreat with some of my closest priest-brothers and we had the blessing of being directed by our spiritual director from our time in seminary! 
Where you feel closest to God: Easy. Mass - everyday! Everyday I am deeply humbled that I get to be a priest and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 
Where would you travel on pilgrimage? The Camino of Santiago is at the top of my list! 
Favorite Book: "Divine Mercy in my Soul" - the Diary of St. Maria Faustina 
Favorite Breakfast: Some simple eggs, bacon, and pancakes are enough for me! 
One thing you can't live without: My espresso machine. 
Favorite way to spend a day off: I love car-camping, and camping in general! Pulling up to the middle of nowhere just to sleep in my car genuinely recreates me! 
One piece of advice for those who struggle with Mass: If there is just ONE thing (word/phrase/etc) that strikes you from any reading or the homily -- please feel at ease in recognizing that maybe God is speaking to you, during the Mass, through that one thing!
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"At the core of this brief interaction is essentially Jesus saying to His beloved mother, "If I perform this first miracle, everything begins and everything will change. You will no longer be merely 'mom', but the fulfillment of the 'woman' of Genesis 3:15: the New Eve, who with her seed will 'crush the serpent's head', and the clock against my life will begin to start ticking." With full consent, Mary commissions her son to begin His public ministry, something that could not be undone. In effect, her soul proclaims not only the wedding's need for new wine, but all of humanity's need for new wine.

We need this New Wine. This New Wine has come to us, He is the Bridegroom, and His name is Jesus."
// Fr. Zinjin Iglesia reflecting on the Wedding at Cana
We can't wait for you to read the full thing!! :) 
Just less than 2 weeks until orders start on Oct 1st - mark your calendars friends!
Christie, Kassie + the ESS Team

Let's be insta' friends!
Every Sacred Sunday LLC, PO Box 7073
Houston, Texas 77248, USA

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