Monday, November 28, 2022

Your 𝑴𝑬𝑫𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑹𝑬-𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒆katzronnie98N

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It remains unclear why electric eels have three electric organs but basically produce two types of discharge, to electrolocate or to stun. In 2021, Jun Xu and colleagues stated that Hunter's organ produces a third type of discharge at a middle voltage of 38.5 to 56.5 volts. Their measurements indicate that this is produced just once, for less than 2 milliseconds, after the low-voltage discharge of Sachs's organ and before the high-voltage discharge of the main organ. They believed that this is insufficient to stimulate a response from the prey, so they suggested it may have the function of co-ordination within the electric eel's body, perhaps by balancing the electrical charge, but state that more research is needed.[49] 0:06 Electric eel shocking and eating prey When an electric eel identifies prey, its brain sends a nerve signal to the electric organ;[46] the nerve cells involved release the neurotransmitter chemical acetylcholine to trigger an electric organ discharge.[42] This opens ion channels, allowing sodium to flow into the electrocytes, reversing the polarity momentarily.[42] The discharge is terminated by an outflow of potassium ions through a separate set of ion channels.[42] By causing a sudden difference in electric potential, it generates an electric current in a manner similar to a battery, in which cells are stacked to produce a desired total voltage output.[39] It has been suggested that Sachs' organ is used for electrolocation; its discharge is of nearly 10 volts at a frequency of around 25 Hz. The main organ, supported by Hunter's organ in some way, is used to stun prey or to deter predators; it can emit signals at rates of several hundred hertz.[1][45] Electric eels can concentrate the discharge to stun prey more effectively by curling up and making contact with the prey at two points along the body.[45] It has also been suggested that electric eels can control their prey's nervous systems and muscles via electrical pulses, keeping prey from escaping, or forcing it to move so they can locate it,[50] but this has been disputed.[49] In self-defence, electric eels have been observed to leap from the water to deliver electric shocks to animals that might pose a threat.[51] The shocks from leaping electric eels are powerful enough to drive away animals as large as horses.[52] এখানে 'স' দিয়ে শুরু নানা ধর্মের অসাধারণ সব সুন্দর সুন্দর ছেলেদের নাম তাদের অর্থের সাথে বিশেষ যত্ন সহকারে তালিকাবদ্ধ করা হল, আসুন দেখা যাক সেগুলি আপনার কেমন লাগেঃ

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