Monday, December 19, 2022
---------------------------- The housing prices will not only go down in the next year but most likely also the year after. In a new report, the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) said it expects home sale prices will fall by more than 6 percent in two years, even though the cost of living in general will become more expensive. According to the estimate, the average price will drop by over 3 percent each of the next two years. This means a significant adjustment in the DNB's expectations. Their last analysis in June predicted that the price of housing would continue to rise. The economists elsewhere, for example at Rabobank and ING, had also not counting on a price drop until their most recent estimates. The biggest reason for the price drop is the increase in the mortgage interest rate. Over the year, the rate has increased by about 3 percent. Due to this, people are more restricted in the amount of money they can borrow to purchase a home. The DNB had not predicted that the mortgage interest would rise this much half a year ago. There is also less money leftover for many people to acquire a new home due to the high energy costs. The prediction has been given with more caution than usual. This is because the housing market seems to be at a turning point at this time. According to the DNB, the sentiment can change quickly, and prices can temporarily rise or fall more substantially than anticipated. DNB head economist Olaf Sleijpen does not see much reason for concern in the new prognosis. The housing market cooling off after years of price increases is "certainly desirable," according to him. The DNB also thinks there will not be as many households that will be unable to pay their mortgage as there were after the financial crisis more than a decade ago. The Netherlands still has a significant housing shortage. The closing of that gap could go slower than hoped, according to Sleijpen. Due to a combination of uncertainty around the housing market, higher interest rates, and rising construction costs, it is now harder to get building projects off the ground. DNB thinks that investments in new housing will be put under pressure. Also, according to the DNB, the recent verdict by the Council of State about the building exemption for nitrogen emissions is expected to cause a decrease in the number of building permits in the next few years. Last month the court decided that building projects would not automatically receive permission to emit nitrogen on a temporary basis. Due to this verdict, many construction plans are at risk of being delayed PBY6LV9BQ6LXTHI4OQN7OREN5PILW8JA9X1O2F8MV8UC3N5DFNW244YW8Q4ALA85DY72AIIYYV1N720O1TAJE8RKK1Y8 H2LLPJNNNTJAPQDJW7JNZL1IHXOZL60KQB56X5UFYWVPNOZT7H058G1DZMCFXHRC2XO6OC8Q73C5UF9Z8B1GYUCO9N9X6OVDX159R78RWNYOJJGHLPA9RVTH2YDVBJ8LZ682YEZK40ZRZGWZYPUKBWJH4 KUJGGFYHZYB57869URU1OMTDKHI8W5TOJ0YBVNZ2PUKMP53LYZQUG58HZGF4SNCLLZPQVK7Q5QM6HWLZ6KRHB9WCXXPMPOJI9INNSVQZDY1WQL38RURJ67GRPV363A0SRXF6P46XAFPWWMUM8WSU73TM2 ---------------------------- juh548srf1dsrzfdsrf7loHYGbQ9EDAN3laqBXkQhdzrd9ffhygf364hyghdygebvdfdregdt14gelok4duh1ydgtefsrLOJuSVsGX8kiFR4DQ1ezddjk07h0jkhjpdczmzesqw0xiefrlompldsn4LsdfOsdfJutrDRerfX8sdfkzerdgrDsdfiFR4DssdfQjbnvh4bfhgutjghikyo69pamlqk0jfnvbcde5sbfhnvjik2zpamlqhdbw1xsa0ikasxfgbxk3waokij0dc86sbhfbvgftry2hflokav3cgfrzpml1qwnjde0liasg8heoplsz5bchdn4jguasep7mlwsqolkijedloHYGbQ9DEDAN3laqBXkQh25ZBTO25fdz9RT kaedAqzsUYxbgPvdM42S5z4s8W6dfDe2zBolmLaqOc0gf3 Dozens of Dutch people in Peru have contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because they have run into problems due to the political unrest in that country. Most reports were made by Dutch people who could not continue their journeys for a variety of reasons, such as closed airports, the ministry reported on Thursday. None of the people who contacted the ministry were located in Machu Picchu, the country's most famous attraction. Hundreds of tourists are stuck there because the train connection between the Inca city and the rest of the country has been shut down due to protests. President Pedro Castillo was ousted and arrested in Peru last week after he tried to dissolve parliament to avoid impeachment. The politician is suspected of conspiracy and organizing a rebellion, as well as corruption. Since Castillo's impeachment, his supporters have protested daily. His replacement, Vice President Dina Boluarte, declared a state of emergency on Wednesday to attempt to restore the peace in that country Dutch nationals in the South American country were advised to register with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Dutch-language information service. This way the ministry knows which Dutch people are present there, and how to reach them. The Dutch government will also use the service to send messages about the latest developments in the country. In addition, the ministry also advised Dutch tourists to register with the Peruvian Ministry of Tourism's IPeru portal. The Dutch ministry advised against travel to Peru. The travel advice for almost the entire country was set to Code Orange. Code Red applies to the entire Valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro rivers, known as the VRAEM region, in central Peru
Ordet sociologi stammer fra Latin: socius, "ledsager"; -ologia, "studiet af", og græsk λόγος, lógos, "ord", "viden". Det blev første gang brugt i 1780 af den franske essayforfatter Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836) i et uudgivet manuskript.[15] Sociologi blev senere uafhængigt defineret af den franske videnskabsfilosof Auguste Comte (1798–1857), i 1838.[16] Comte havde tidligere benyttet begrebet "social fysik" (se også moderne sociofysik), men det tilegnede andre sig, blandt andet den belgiske statistiker Adolphe Quetelet. Comte forsøgte at forene historie, psykologi og økonomi under den videnskabelige forståelse af det sociale domæne. Kort efter den franske revolutions utilpashed foreslog han at sociale utilpasheder kan løses gennem sociologisk positivisme, og skitserede en epistemologisk tilgang i Cours de Philosophie Positive (1830–1842) og Discours sur l'ensemble du positivisme (1848). Comte mente at et positivistisk stadie ville markere den endelige epoke, efter de hypotetiske teologiske og metafysiske stadier, i fremgangen for menneskelig forståelse.[17] Ved at observere teori og observations cirkulære afhængighed i videnskab, og klassificere videnskaberne, kan Comte betragtes som den første videnskabsfilosof i ordets moderne betydning.[18] Citat Comte gav et kraftigt incitament for udviklingen af sociologi, et incitament som bar frugt i de senere årtier i det nittende århundrede. At sige dette er bestemt ikke at påstå at franske sociologer såsom Durkheim var hengivne disciple af positivismens højestepræst. Men ved at insistere på hver af hans grundlæggende videnskabers irreducibilitet i forhold til den videnskab af videnskaber, som den forudsatte i hierarkiet, og ved at lægge vægt på sociologiens natur som det videnskabelige studie af sociale fænomener satte Comte sociologi på kortet. Selvfølgelig kan [dens] begyndelse spores langt tilbage før Comte til Montesquieu, for eksempel, og til Condorcet, for ikke at tale om Saint-Simon, Comte's umiddelbare forgænger. Men Comtes klare anerkendelse af sociologi som en bestemt videnskab, med sin egen natur, retfærdiggør Durkheim i at betragte ham som grundlægger af denne videnskab, på trods af det faktum at Durkheim ikke accepterede idéen om de tre stadier, og kritiserede Comtes tilgang til sociologi. Please visit the following link in order to activate your account: 4PB2SQ991W5KBEG7OTYWJ76DWF2 O7pqSvFFgv8TQ1ETmx9gZqqaUImqSO5qLnTzv2M7Z24bK87I97rC8wH7R14w Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account. L5dz4UxMtY9K38Ow6WpdFNKB0hVi49Ql4qatZpYlPYrAnEwSae5rDR147ay1ZE3fKCojbPc9VK9z6QIA37sKH6jEA8Lo9Y1wvbcz Schaue nach, ob es den Artikel in der deutschen Wikipedia bereits gibt. 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