Monday, December 19, 2022

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With the Carthaginian army overlooking him from a fortified hill Regulus immediately made the audacious decision to split his army in two and have each carry out a night march to launch a surprise dawn attack on the camp.[49] The Romans would be attacking uphill against the Carthaginians' prepared position, but an attack from two directions would be difficult to respond to.[62] Tipps describes the plan as a demonstration of Regulus's "recklessness".[49] Both Roman forces were in position on time and successfully launched their attacks, although apparently not simultaneously.[65] Complete surprise cannot have been achieved, as at least a large part of the Carthaginians were able to form up and confront one half of the Roman assault. This column was thrown back by the Carthaginians – it is assumed at the line of their fortifications, although this is not certain – and driven down the hill in disorder.[65] The situation was confused, with the rest of the Carthaginians taking no effective action and failing to co-ordinate with their victorious colleagues.[66] According to the military historian Nigel Bagnall, the cavalry and elephants were promptly evacuated, as it was recognised they would not be able to play any useful role, either in defending the fortifications or on the broken terrain of the hill more generally.[62] Those Carthaginians pursuing the first Roman force chased them off the hill,[49] and all or part of the second Roman column, rather than attacking the Carthaginian camp, charged downhill into the rear of the now over-extended Carthaginians.[65] It is possible this group of Carthaginians also faced a frontal counter-attack by Roman reserves after leaving the hill.[63] In any event, after some further fighting they fled the field. At this the Carthaginians in the camp, the fortifications of which had not been breached, panicked and withdrew.[65] The Romans pursued for some distance, although Polybius provides no figures for Carthaginian losses.[67] Modern historians suggest the Carthaginians suffered few or no losses to their cavalry and elephants.[62][63][65] Breaking off their pursuit, the victorious Romans plundered the hilltop camp.[62] Aftermath a map of what is now north-east Tunisia, showing the advance, main military clashes and retreat of the invading Roman army in 256–255 BC A map of the campaign of which Adys was a part. The approximate site of the battle is denoted by "2". 1: Romans land and capture Aspis (256 BC) 2: Roman victory at Adys (256 BC) 3: Romans capture Tunis (256 BC) 4: Xanthippus sets out from Carthage with a large army (255 BC) 5: Romans are defeated at the battle of the Bagradas River. (255 BC) 6: Romans retreat to Aspis and leave Africa. (255 BC) The Romans followed up and captured numerous towns, including Tunis, only 16 km (10 mi) from Carthage.[66][67] From Tunis the Romans raided and devastated the immediate area around Carthage.[66] Many of Carthage's African possessions took the opportunity to rise in revolt. The city of Carthage was packed with refugees fleeing Regulus or the rebels and food ran out. In despair, the Carthaginians sued for peace.[68] Regulus, within sight of what he took to be a thoroughly defeated Carthage, demanded harsh terms: Carthage was to hand over Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica; pay all of Rome's war expenses; pay tribute to Rome each year; be prohibited from declaring war or making peace without Roman permission; have its navy limited to a single warship; but provide 50 large warships to the Romans on their request. Finding these terms completely unacceptable, the Carthaginians decided to fight on.[66][69] They gave charge of the training of their army to the Spartan mercenary commander Xanthippus.[50] In 255 BC Xanthippus led an army of 12,000 infantry, 4,000 cavalry and 100 elephants against the Romans and decisively defeated them at the battle of Tunis. Approximately 2,000 Romans retreated to Aspis; 500, including Regulus, were captured; the rest were killed.[70][71] Xanthippus, fearful of the envy of the Carthaginian generals he had outdone, took his pay and returned to Greece.[72] The Romans sent a fleet to evacuate their survivors and the Carthaginians attempted to oppose it. In the resulting battle of Cape Hermaeum off Africa the Carthaginians were heavily defeated, losing 114 ships captured.[73] The Roman fleet, in turn, was devastated by a storm while returning to Italy, with 384 ships sunk from their total of 464[note 8] and 100,000 men lost,[73][74] the majority non-Roman Latin allies.[46] The war continued for a further 14 years, mostly on Sicily or the nearby waters, before ending with a Roman victory; the terms offered to Carthage were more generous than those proposed by Regulus.[75] The question of which state was to control the western Mediterranean remained open, and when Carthage besieged the Roman-protected town of Saguntum in eastern Iberia in 218 BC, it ignited the Second Punic War with Rome.[76] Notes, citations and sources অতপরঃ তাকে অন্য এক অস্তিত্বরূপে সৃষ্টি করেছি।"(সূরা মুমিনুন-১৪) অপর এক শ্রেনীর আয়াতে মানুষের বারযাখের জীবনের প্রতি ইঙ্গিত করা হয়েছে। যেমনঃ "এবং তাদের সম্মুখে (পশ্চাতে) রয়েছে বারযাখ সেদিন পর্যন্ত তাদেরকে পুনরুত্থিত করা হবে। (সূরা মুমিনিনঃ ১০০) বারযাখের জীবন সম্পর্কে এরূপ আরো আয়াত রয়েছে। প্রতিটি মানুষই পবিত্র ও তাওহীদী ফিতরাতের উপর সৃষ্টি হয় যে, যদি এভাবে থাকতে পারে এবং অন্য কোনো বহিঃনিয়ামক তাকে বিচ্যুত না করে তবে সত্য পথকে অতিক্রম করবে। কোনো ব্যক্তিই পাপী, খারাপ বা অসৎ চিন্তার অধিকারী হয়ে মাতৃগর্ভ থেকে জন্মগ্রহণ করে না। বরং অপছন্দীয় বিষয়গুলো উপজাতরূপে বাহ্যিক ও ইচ্ছাধীন নিয়ামকসমূহের ফলশ্র"তি। উত্তরাধিকারসূত্রে প্রাপ্ত কুৎসিৎ মন-মানসিকতা এরূপ নয় যে, মানুষের প্রত্যয় ও সংকল্পের ছত্রছায়ায়ও অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। অতএব, 'পাপ চিন্তা আদম সন্তানের সত্তাগত বিষয়' খ্রিষ্টবাদের এ দাবি ভিত্তিহীন। পবিত্র কোরআনে এ সম্পর্কে বর্ণিত হয়েছে যে,- ডান-বামে কোনো প্রকার বিচ্যুতি ব্যতিরকে) সে ঐশী দ্বীনের দিকে মুখ ফিরাও যার ভিত্তিতে মহান আল্লাহ মানুষকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন। (সূরা রূমঃ ৩০) মহানবী (সা.)বলেনঃ এমন কেউ জন্মগ্রহণ করেনি যে,পবিত্র ফেতরাতের (তৌহিদ ও একত্ববাদের) উপর জগতে আসেনি। তৌহিদে সাদুকঃ পৃঃ ৩৩১) মানুষ এক স্বাধীন ও যাচাই মতাসম্পন্ন অস্তিত্ব। অর্থাৎ বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক শক্তির মাধ্যমে সে বিভিন্ন কর্মকে বিচার বিশ্লেষণ করে গ্রহণ ও বর্জন করতে পারে। পবিত্র কোরআনের ভাষায় ঃ "আমরা তাকে পথ প্রদর্শন করেছি (এখন সে ইচ্ছে করলে) কৃতজ্ঞ হতে পারে কিংবা অস্বীকার করতে পারে।" (ইনসান ঃ৩)

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